How to Create Bevel in Blender
In this article, we would like to share some creative tips related to Blender, hoping to help you when using Blender for creation. Solutions to frequently asked questions for beginners, as well as some knowledge that professional Blender users may not know yet are included, let’s take a look!
| Bevel in Blender
Bevel is a tool commonly used to shape objects or lubricate edges. The bevel tool can be used for both vertexes and edges and there are two mostly used ways of chamfering: using the shortcut key (Ctrl + B) to chamfer the specified edges in edit mode, or use the Bevel Modifier to operate in object mode.
The former is offer for certain edges that can really effect the shape of the object, but once it is applied, modifying it again may cause other problems.
And the Bevel Modifier is usually for the whole object to generate smaller and different bevels with one single modifier. For objects with clear boundaries and regular shapes, the basic usage of the Bevel tool can be quickly used by everyone, but for how to quickly chamfer special-shaped objects, many novices may have nowhere to start. And you may get a little inspiration in the following solution: control the shape and magnitude of the edge that needs to be chamfered by increasing the boundary limit.
Say if you want an edge presents a certain shape, you can add shape-specific boundaries to the edge that needs to be chamfered first. Tools used in the example below to add boundaries including loop cut (Ctrl +R), adjust vertexes and the Loop Tool that turns the loop into a curve (you can surely use another way):
Then select the certain edge, Ctrl + B to bevel. Different from what we mentioned above, you will need to change the Width Type from Offset to Percent. This allows you to control, as a percentage, the distance from each vertex on the edge to be chamfered to each vertex on the boundaries.
| Bevel Add-on
It is undeniable that add-ons are an important part of the Blender ecosystem, and you can surely find a good one for bevel as well. We’d to recommend Meshmachine as a convenient bevel plugin.
Developed by MACHIN3, MESHmachine is a “blender mesh modeling addon with a focus on hard surface work without subdivision surfaces”. In addition to features such as Booleans, mirroring, selection and looptppls, the Fuse tool within won many praises from many users.
By using Fuse and Unfuse tools, creators may gain significant flexibility for changing between chamfers and fillets back and forth effortlessly, making bevel even quicker and easier. MESHmachine is available in Blender Market at cost of $40 and supports for Blender from version 2.93 to 3.1. Learn more features about the add-on on the official documentation or click here to download MESHmachine in Blender Market.
For more blender creation tips and blender add-ons:
Free Tree Generator for Blender