Free Render Farm Service
Get more render nodes with less cost is a topic that many 3d creators have been talking about for a long time. At present, there are two most common solutions: optimizing scene files to reduce rendering time or integrating effective rendering resources to form a mutual assistance system among the industry.
For the first method, from the designer’s point of view, this is a long-term accumulation process. Artists need to continuously learn and accumulate experience to form a set of parameter settings suitable for their own industry and design style and discover problems in the scene in time, so as to reduce the rendering time without reducing the quality of the work.
Here are some tips summarized by the XRender customer service team based on users feedback that might be helpful for creators to optimize rendering: Speed up rendering with XRender — Tips here!
In addition, some of the XRender dedicated features that developed by our product team independently, might be helpful to save your cost as well. For example, while rendering the sequence, XRender will auto-render the first, middle and last frame(which are adjustable according needs) of the sequence and pause rendering first. User will need to check the render effect first and then start rendering the remaining frames manually so as to find out and adjust it in advance if the rendering effect is incorrect. This helps to avoid problems like discover the issue after all the rendering is completed, and result in a double waste of both time and expense.
Meanwhile, users can also run some test with less samples, lower resolution first to see if any assets missing in the scene. Many frequently used parameters in creation can be quickly adjusted from XRender setting panel directly, which should be able to smoother your workflow as well.
For the second method, some similar system has been formed to combine the global serves, mainly belong to 3D creators, for centrally scheduling and usage. Let’s take the Render Network, originally known as RNDR and unveiled in 2017 for example.
There are 3 parties are involved: Computational resource demander, render nodes provider and the manager of the entire system (may also undertaking the credit management functions of both parties to the transaction). And below is an image for better understanding.
It’s more like a reputation-based system with three usage layers: creators who need render nodes to submit tasks via the Render Network, computing resource owners, like a miner, provide machines as render nodes to others, and a third party will host the payment for the work. Both the submitter and the miner set a reputation score based on the results of the previous rendering work.
It is undeniable that this new business model has increased the utilization rate of idle machines, which is beneficial to both individual designers and machine owners to a certain extent. But compared to commercial rendering farms, the problems are obvious.
#01 Machine Performance
First of all, since machines are maintained individually, the performance of the machine may be degraded because it is not professionally managed, and the rendering task cannot be completed in time. Although the reputation of miners will be reduced after the rendering according users’ feedback, the loss caused to the previous task is unavoidable, especially when the project is on the deadline and time is tight.
However, situation above is almost impossible to happen when rendering with XRender. As a PaaS + IaaS cloud render service platform, XRender has been cooperate with public cloud provider to offer rendering services. This ensures that the machines used by all users are maintained, managed and updated by a professional technical team, providing users with efficient and powerful rendering nodes to the greatest extent.
#02 Problem Handling
Speed up rendering by using others machine is like simply increasing the number of machines, while using cloud rendering services is like getting a professional rendering team. To boost your rendering with XRender, you are enjoy intelligent XRender Client for flexible render nodes scheduling, Aspera transmission solution to accelerate data movement, unlimited data storage space in the cloud, and more importantly, 24/7 online technical support, ALL FOR FREE!
XRender is great choice especially for large projects in need of professional team for your projects and want a more cost-effective rendering experience:
Scalable rendering nodes will be assigned for any project online
No extra cost other than the usage of high efficient computing power
Secure and stable data storage system that certificated by the industries
Dedicated Aspera transmission line maximizes the data transferring speed
Smart and easy-to-use software helps to analysis the render files automatically
Professional technical support team stands by during the whole rendering process
#03 Resources Acquisition
Different from the combined use of resources from multiple parties, XRender has multiple resource pools around the world, allowing users to obtain a large number of rendering nodes according to their needs. In addition, cloud server with high security standards such as ISO 27001 certification is in line with international, multi-line BGP alone with higher bandwidth are always ready to transfer your data assets more efficiently, ultra-high concurrency performance alone with intelligent and flexible node scheduling can meet the huge computing resource needs of users.
To access more GPU or CPU for larger projects, feel free to contact us for customized services!